
900C Website Landing Pages & CTA

Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $249.00.

Websites & User Experience (UX) Beginners Training Course

This part of the course takes you through the administration side of editing posts and page and inserting images. The image above shows you the screen shot of this very page being edited. Topics include:

  • Cornerstone Content
  • Hierarchy and Structuring Pages
  • Inserting HTML code (Paypal Button)
  • Insert and Manage Images
  • Image Tags & SEO
  • Call to Action & Success Pages


Website Landing Pages

A typical website has several landing pages that normally relate to the different products or service categories that business sells. They are specific pages which answer the need of customers who are searching for that particular category, but not all customers are ready to buy when they visit your site.

The ideal landing page allows all type of website visitors to get something of value and you need to consider that your website visitors are all at various stages of the buying cycle or what is commonly now known as the sales and marketing funnel.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for website landing pages

They key element in SEO is keywords and Keyphrases for your business and the services it provides. An example we use in our Marketing Courses are:

  • Real Estate Agent / Mortgage Broker
  • Asbestos Removal & demolition
  • Electrician
  • Air Conditioning supply and install business
  • Bottled water business
  • Bookkeeper, BAS Agent and Accountants

Each of these organisations provide very specific services and you can read about those services at their websites or social media profiles.

You’ll choose keywords and keyphrases that are “relevant” to the business. You can “optimise” categories to increase your “relevance” to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing and if there is good information at your website (ie. good content) then Google will show your information above others in your same industry.

The purpose of a BLOG is to have regular new content, which is optimised for keywords as well as relevant and interesting to people who are interested in the products and services you offer and the purpose of each blog post is to link to one of your landing pages.

The Visitors Journey

This is the most important part because it affects MOST of the visitors to your site. These people are researching before they buy and may make a buying decision in the next week or 6 months depending on their circumstances or finances or the nature of your services.

You’ll learn how to give website visitors the option for buying now or engaging with you as well as how to give them information to explore your business further. You’ll also want a way to stay “front of mind” so you’re the logical choice when they are ready to act.

Image Marketing & Keywords with Images & Galleries

FREE image libraries for WordPress websites and digital marketing training courses - Digital Marketing Academy & InstituteImages, charts, graphics and video are part of most website landing pages as well as posts and they can be optimised using the keywords of your SEO marketing strategy.

Some larger companies have a graphic designer and/or a photographer who can produce images specifically for their business but you may want to do some simple image editing to change the size of images or simply put some text or other effect in them.

  • Finding Professional images for featured slider
  • Image pixel size
  • Getting professional images for your website
  • Image file details
  • Changing the Canvas size and offset to scale image size
  • Scaling the image down
  • Inserting Featured images into Pages – note about bmp, tiff, jpeg, gif and png formats

Call to Action

Without a call to action your website visitors will just pass by your site, no matter how graphically beautiful it is, and move onto the next person who gives them a way to connect or a reason to engage. You’ll explore some of the options available.

Success Pages

One of the original features about digital marketing was that you could measure what worked and that is still valid today. Success pages are part of an engagement strategy to show potential customers that you are aware of their needs at every stage but they also provide a great way to measuring how many people have followed your Call-to-Action.